Meet Our Board Members

Shelly Wade
Board Member
Shelly has a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from Portland State University.
She worked at a Big Ten public accounting firm before transitioning into private industry as a chief financial officer.
Selected experience includes:
Founding partner regional investment banking firm
Retail store owner
Food service owner
Appliance dealership owner
NGO board memberships
Creation of large regional music festival with thousands of attendees.
Shelly enjoys working in her garden in her spare time as well as participating in charitable causes.

Debbie Staneart
Board Treasurer
Debbie has a passion for helping businesses and nonprofits succeed which led her to establish Balance the Books, Inc., She has over 35 years of experience and holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting.
For many years she worked as the staff accountant for a tax/bookkeeping firm in Berkeley, CA, where she managed the firm’s diverse client base and its bookkeeping staff. This job provided valuable experience in working with many types of businesses and nonprofits, along with managing a team.
Debbie is honored to be part of the iReachAfrica Board as their Treasurer and has had the privilege of visiting their work in Mozambique on several occasions.
Debbie states, "Tracy Evans and her team are my heroes and are nothing short of amazing!"

Charlie Harper
Board Secretary
Charlie has served on the Senior Leadership Team with Bill Johnson for over 40 years. He currently serves as the Church Administrator and Project Manager at Bethel Church in Redding, CA since 2002. Charlie gives direct oversight to the maintenance and development of the facilities and oversees the business management for the church. He also serves as an officer on numerous Non-Profit Boards related to Bethel Church activities and interests.
Charlie has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in finance and real estate. He has owned his own real estate brokerage firm, as well as a mortgage company before moving into the non-profit sector.
Charlie and his wife, Julie have been married for 48 years. They have two adult children, & four adorable grandchildren.

Julie Miller
Board Member
Julie is married with two adorable children. She is a missionary, a writer, a teacher and currently serves as the International Education Overseer. Julie spent years working in developing countries in both Asia and Africa. She started her first school in Mozambique with six children who met on a grass mat under a mango tree. This initial school grew rapidly! Julie then developed curriculums, built libraries, and started various after-school, programs for the community. Her love, kindness and perseverance has been a tremendous blessing to hundreds of children, as well as giving hope to the students' parents and the surrounding communities.
Julie demonstrates how powerfully education can lift up and impact on an entire community. Through these various programs Julie also introduced Jesus and His kingdom to hundreds. In just a few years, she and her colleagues expanded to three schools, in two villages; schools and programs which are flourishing to this day.
Steve Jellicorse
Board Member
Steve Jellicorse began church planting in the United States during his college days. Years later, with his family and members of his church, Steve linked up with Tracy Evans in Mozambique in 1997. Full of land-mines from 16 years of civil war, the World Bank declared Mozambique the poorest country in the world.
Steve's family, church members and Tracy traveled throughout the nation in a couple trucks, camping in villages and sharing the love of God as they went.
Today Steve is the senior leader and family-pastor along with his wife Brenda for a missions-focused church in Raleigh, N. Carolina.
Tracy Evans
Board Chair
Tracy is a Stanford University Medical School trained Physician Assistant. Before entering the mission field, she served in the U.S. Army and overseas as a Medical Officer for embassies and the Peace Corps. Through these credentials, Tracy has secured long-term resident visas in Muslim and Communist countries typically closed to missionaries. In country, she builds medical clinics and schools which in turn facilitate evangelism, discipleship and church planting.
Tracy is now ministering in Mozambique, Africa. During the last 17 years in Africa, her team has planted 22 churches and provided daily nutrition and life-saving medical care for more than 7,000 at-risk orphaned babies, many with AIDS.